
Tweet, Tweet!

I am making a solid push to grow my PLN (personal learning network) and Twitter is going to be my vehicle for sure.

I also wanted to let you know that I will be reaching out to collaborate on assignments for my students from time to time. I will be looking for some higher level, provocative questions for my students to blog about. The concept is not mine, I have to attribute that to Shelly Blake-Plock, the man behind the curtain over at TeachPaperless. So, of your not PLNing, or your not on Twitter - join in the conversation now. I promise that you will thank me for it.

Tweet, tweet.

For more on the power of the PLN, check out my post from last month. If you want to follow me you can find me in the Twittersphere @innovateed.

More to come...

Mike Meechin, M. Ed.

For more information about Mike Meechin and Innovate Education, LLC. professional development please visit:www.innovateedu.org

Twitter Birdie icon by Arrioch


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